Multiple benefits and knowledge systems of ILMPs

7 June 2017

A Hub project is providing information that can help guide investment decisions in Indigenous Land Management Programs (ILMPs).

The importance of Indigenous peoples’ ecological knowledge is recognised throughout the world including through investments in a variety of ILMPs. Aside from generating ecological benefits, these programs generate many co-benefits, such as social, cultural and economic benefits which accrue to the Indigenous people, the government, and the wider Australian community.

Project leader Dr Natalie Stoeckl from James Cook University said while previous NESP research has improved our understanding of which co-benefits have been valued in monetary terms, we have an incomplete understanding of other less tangible co-benefits such as those relating to culture.

“This means we don’t have an appreciation of the real net benefit or economic value of ILMPs which is important to support future funding decisions,” Professor Stoeckl said.

“This project is already generating information that can be used to inform the continued and improved funding of Indigenous people working on country, and better guide investments in ILMPs.”

For more information see the project update factsheet, the project start-up factsheet or contact

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